Tuesday, November 8, 2011

DiscoverE Educator Awards

Apply today for the The DiscoverE Educator Awards! 

The DiscoverE Educator Awards are shining a spotlight on the educators who are inspiring tomorrow’s innovation generation. Winners will be recognized at event in Washington DC (all expenses paid), receive $2,000, and a 3M digital projector. Unique to this program, engineers and engineering students are part of the nomination process. The application is available at http://www.eweek.org/NewsStory.aspx?ContentID=256 and the deadline is December 1

Send completed applications to info@eweek.org.

Please share this program with teachers (Grades 6-12) who are inspiring our students to discover engineering AND engineers/engineering students who might be interested in nominating. 

An Update from Mark

Dr Gobin,

I hope the semester is going well for you. I know most of your lab undergrads are off on co-ops, so I'm sure that adds to the stress. Just wanted you to know Jake and I presented our posters to the math and science department teachers at male and a couple cool things came out of it. First a lot of our teachers were excited about applying to the program. And we are talking our national award winning teachers. They were really excited especially our science teachers who could really benefit from the experience. Secondly, we are probably going to set up some sort of tour, that will probably include the clean room. But that is yet to be determined. Other than that my kids have been asking lots of questions about my poster. It really has the curiosity up. So hopefully we will get some good results out of it. I just wanted you to know that it has definitely been worth it so far. If you need I can post this stuff on the blog too. Thanks again for everything.

Mark H